Mloog Hab Kawm Lug Moob Leeg

My voice recordings are listed in the exact same order as my Table of Contents, shown below. With each audio, I provide images from my booklet for you to visually follow along to my writing.

Since Hmong, in general, is a very tonal languange and the meanings of words can change even from a slight shift of tone, it's important to learn correct pronunciations. This is why I wanted to teach using my voice recordings too so that I can vocalize the Moob Leeg words as another resource to help those who may need it. I apologize if my recordings are not the best, as I am still trying to find ways that'll deliver optimal audio quality for viewers!

Do keep in mind that when you read Moob Leeg & Hmong in general, the way Hmong sentences are written and framed sound a bit stiff and formal. When you actually speak Hmong in everyday conversations, sentences will have a more natural and smooth flow to them, sounding very cohesive. This is why in some parts of the audio where I am "reading" my material and examples, I might not always say what I wrote word-for-word directly since I'm naturally vocalizing everything to flow more like a casual conversation, rather than a formally written sentence :)! 

Click on all images to zoom in. 

AUDIO:  Common Characteristics of the Moob Leeg Dialect (Pg. 4-5)

AUDIO:  The General Hmong Tones (Pg. 6-7)

AUDIO: Personal & Possessive Pronouns & Using Both together (Pg. 8-9)

AUDIO:  Moob Leeg Articles (Pg. 10-11)

AUDIO:  Asking Questions in Moob Leeg (Pg. 12-13)

AUDIO:  Practicing Letter-D Words (Pg. 14)

AUDIO:  The Moob Leeg word PUAB in Everyday Speaking (Pg. 15)

AUDIO: Hmoob Dawb to Moob Leeg Transitions First Pt. (Pg. 16-17)

AUDIO: Continuation of Hmoob Dawb to Moob Leeg Transitions (Pg. 18-19)

AUDIO: Conversational Sentences to Practice (Pg. 20)

AUDIO: Differentiating Moob Leeg Homophones (Pg. 21)

AUDIO: Past, Present, Future Tense (Pg. 22)

AUDIO: Directional Moob Leeg Terms (Pg. 23-24)

AUDIO: Foods - Kawm Txug Mov (Pg. 25)

AUDIO: Foods - Kawm Txug Mov (Pg. 26)

Audio: Foods - Kawm Txug Mov (Pg. 27)

AUDIO: Colors - Xim/Kob (Pg. 28)

AUDIO: Numbers - Lej Moob (Pg. 29)

AUDIO: Animals - Kawm Txug Tsaj (Pg. 30) 

AUDIO: Basic Body Parts & Structures (Pg. 31)

AUDIO : Basic Body Parts & Structures (Pg. 32)

AUDIO: Basic Body Parts & Structures (Pg. 33)

AUDIO: House Ammenities (Pg. 34)

AUDIO: Family Kindship Terminology for Sons & Daughters - Tub Hab Ntxhais (Audio is not split per page; This audio will cover entirety of Pages 35-37)

AUDIO: Kinship Terminology for Daughter-in-law/Nyaab (Pg. 38)

AUDIO: Elder Names for Sons - Dlaws Npe Laug (Pg. 39)

AUDIO: Additional Family Terminology (Pg. 40)

AUDIO: Moob Leeg Phrases - Complete Word & Phrase Changes from Hmoob Dawb to Moob Leeg (Pg. 41)

AUDIO: Moob Leeg Phrases - Formalities & Acknowledgements (Pg. 42)

AUDIO: Moob Leeg Ending Letter -G Concep: The Letter S to G Transition (Pg. 43-44)

AUDIO: The Moob Leeg Phrase - Tog Miv Ntsiv Quav/Tog Miv Ntsiv (Pg. 45)

AUDIO: The Moob Leeg Phrase - Kws (Pg. 46)


Click on all images to zoom in.

AUDIO: The Moob Leeg Vowel O to Vowel U Transition (Pg. 48-49)

AUDIO: The Moob Leeg Phrase - Txhaj Le (Pg. 50)

AUDIO: The Moob Leeg Phrase - Aas Kiv (Pg. 51)

AUDIO: Word Transition of the Hmoob Dawb "Tag Kis" to Moob Leeg "Pig Kig"  (Pg. 52)

AUDIO: Moob Leeg Conjunctions (Pg. 53-54)

AUDIO: Moob Leeg Conjunctions (Pg. 55-56)

AUDIO: Detailed Moob Leeg Numbers & Counting Money  (Pg. 57-59; This audio is split into 3 parts, one audio per page)

AUDIO: Using of the Moob Leeg Phrase "Kaav Lam" or "Kaav Chawj" (Pg. 60-61) 

AUDIO: Learn Moob Leeg Clothing: Khaub Dluag (Pg. 62-65)

Note: The underlined words in my table below are the "action" words that you would use when talking about how you are "wearing" each specific piece of clothing. 

AUDIO: Using the Moob Leeg Verbs: Qha, Has, Khaiv (Pg. 66-68)

AUDIO: Utilizing the Moob Leeg Word Xyuam Xwm/Ceev Faaj (Pg. 69)

AUDIO: Moob Leeg Expressive Words & Phrases: Positive Feelings and Emotions (Pg. 70-72)

AUDIO: Moob Leeg Expressive Words & Phrases: Negative Feelings and Emotions (Pg. 73-75)

AUDIO: Transitional Moob Leeg Adverbs - Xws Le & Piv Txwv Le (Pg. 76-78)

AUDIO: Moob 7 Days of the Week (Pg. 79) 

AUDIO: Moob Leeg Triple & Quadruple Consonants (Pg. 80)

AUDIO: The Moob Leeg Linking Word QUAS (Pg. 81)

AUDIO: Differentiating Moob Action Words - Nqaa, Coj, Thauj, Khaws (Pg. 82-83)

AUDIO: Moob Leeg Physical Places, Outdoors, and Nature (Pg. 84-86)

AUDIO: Using the Phrase "Yim" In Moob Leeg (Pg. 87)

AUDIO: Usages of the Word “Hod/Hov” in Moob Leeg (Pg. 88-89)

AUDIO: The Word “Seb” & Its Usages in Moob Leeg Sentences and Questions (Pg. 90)

AUDIO: Particles in Moob Leeg Conversations (There are 6 Separate Audios, One Per Page 91-95)

AUDIO: Using the Phrases Muaj & Tsis Muaj in Moob Leeg Sentences (Pg. 97-98)

AUDIO: Various Ways of Describing Small & Large Quantities in Moob Leeg (Pg. 99-100)

AUDIO: Reviewing the "Breathy H" in Triple Consonant TXH- Moob Leeg Words (Pg. 101)